
Showing posts from May, 2018

22 Characteristics of Entrepreneurs

Do you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur? Here are 22 characteristics that set successful entrepreneurs apart: 1. Commitment and perseverance Starting a business venture requires total personal sacrifice. Entrepreneurs put a lot of physical and mental effort into developing their ventures.Total immersion into business by entrepreneurs can overcome obstacles and setbacks. Commitment is demonstrated by their intense dedication to the job. To overcome the business challenges of surviving in the start up, stay alive and finally grow means not giving up Entrepreneurs work long hours and regard their firm by far as the most important element of their lives, with possible exception of their families. The stronger commitment has enabled some entrepreneurs to overcome difficulties, which defeated other people who treat those difficulties as impossible to solve obstacles.Commitment also compensate for personal shortcomings.       2. Determination to finish a task quickly, su

7 Definitions of Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship   constitute people who have the ability to see and evaluate business opportunities, gather the necessary resources, take advantage of them and initiate appropriate action to ensure success.Successful entrepreneurs ought to have the vision or ability to see opportunities.below are seven (7)   definition of entrepreneurs by different scholars 1.       Schumpeter (1934) defined an entrepreneur as someone who acts as an agent of change by bringing into existence a new combination of the means of production. The means of production include capital, equipment, premises, raw material, labour and—more recently—knowledge. Knowledge can be considered as the capacity to understand and use information and processes. 2.       Kirzner (1973), saw an entrepreneur as a seeker of imbalances, which he/she seeks to remove by any means of his/her entrepreneurial activity . 3.       Casson (1982) defines an entrepreneur as someone who specialises in making judgmental deci