20 Types of entrepreneurs


These prefer working in small groups with other partners who share the decision-making. E.g. Craftsmen working in their own firm as equal


These are self-employed experts. Some entrepreneurs work as lawyers experts, financial consultants or business consultants


These consist of creative inventors who may or may not have the practical skills to turn creativity into innovation.

High Tech

New technological development has created opportunities for those with the technical expertise e.g. in electronics or computers.

Workforce builder

This constitutes the delegator who manages the labour and expertise of others in an effective way.

Inveterate initiator

The start up expert who only really enjoys the challenge of initiating new enterprises then loses interest, often selling the business in order to start another.

Concept multiplier

This includes someone who identifies a successful concept that can be duplicated by others. E.g. through franchising or licensing arrangement.


Those that prefer to take over a business that already exists, rather than start from scratch.


These are the property-based opportunities to buy and sell at a profit as well as collectables such as art, stamps and antique furniture.

Turn about artists

This consists of an entrepreneur who buys a small business with problems but potential for profit.

Value manipulator

These constitute the entrepreneur who acquirer asset at low price and who then through manipulation of the financial structure is able to sell at a higher price.

Life style entrepreneur

Small business is a means to the end of making possible the good life. However this is defined. consistent cash flow is the primary business requirement rather than high growth, which might involve too much time commitment.

Committed manager

In this category the small business is regarded as a life times work, something to be built carefully.Personal satisfaction comes from the process of nurturing the fledging firm through all its various stages of growth.


This consists of the entrepreneur who builds up a portfolio of ownership in small businesses.Sometimes he/she uses shares or assets of one company to provide the financial base to acquire another.

Capital aggregator

This is a business owner with the necessary financial leverage to acquire other substantial attractive businesses.

Matriarch or patriarch

This constitutes the head of a family owned business that often employs several members of the family.

Going public

These are entrepreneurs who start up in business with the clear aim of achieving a quotation on the stock exchange, usually via an unlisted securities market in the 1st instance.

The alternative entrepreneur

This consists of alternative new age belief in a return to more environmentally sound life styles expressed in a wish to avoid conventional employment. Commercial activities have developed in areas such as health foods, alternative healing and medicines, alternative beauty products etc.

Fabian entrepreneurs

These are very cautious and sceptical while practicing any change.

They neither have the will to introduce new changes nor the desire to adopt new methods innovated by the most enterprising entrepreneurs.Such entrepreneurs are shy and lazy They are not interested in taking risk and they try to follow the footsteps of their predecessors.

Drone entrepreneurs

These are characterized by refusal to adopt and use opportunities to make changes in production.

Such entrepreneurs may even suffer losses but do not make changes in production methods.

They are laggards as they continue to operate in their traditional way and resist changes.




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