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How to write a Business Plan.

A business plan is considered to be a written document that details the proposed venture. It can be defined as the description of the business and what the owner manager wants it to become over, say, a year to come   A business plan contains targets, estimates and projections and describes how these will be achieved. It illustrates the current status, expected needs and projected results of the new business. On the whole, the business plan serves as the entrepreneurs’ road map for a successful enterprise. It is the minimum document required by any financial source. It also allows the entrepreneur to enter the investment process. One of the most important steps in setting up a new business is to develop a business plan This plan allows the owner-manager to crystallise the business ideas and to think through the problems the business venture is likely to face before the firm can actually cope with them. Designing and writing a business plan should be seen as the outcome of careful


Katibu wa Sekretarieti ya Ajira Katika Utumishi wa Umma kwa niaba ya Katibu Mkuu, Wizara ya Maliasili na Utalii anakaribisha maombi ya kazi kutoka kwa Watanzania wenye sifa na uwezo wa kujaza nafasi Mbili (02) kama zilivyoainishwa katika tangazo hili. AFISA UFUGAJI NYUKI DARAJA LA II - (NAFASI 1) MAJUKUMU YA KAZI i. Kusimamia uanzishaji wa hifadhi za nyuki na manzuki; ii. Kutangaza Sera na Sheria za ufungaji nyuki; iii. Kufundisha masomo ya fani ya ufugaji nyuki; iv. Kukusanya takwimu za rasilimali na ufugaji nyuki; v. Kupanga na kupima ubora wa mazao ya nyuki; na vi. Kufanya kazi nyingine atakazopangiwa na Msimamizi wa kazi. Kuajiriwa wenye Shahada katika moja ya fani zifuatazo, Ufugaji Nyuki, Sayansi ya Elimu ya Mimea, Elimu ya Wadudu au Elimu ya Wanyama kutoka Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam au Vyuo vingine vinavyotambuliwa na Serikali. MSHAHARA Kwa kuzingatia viwango vya Serikali yaani ngazi ya Mshahara TGS D.     AFISA WANYAMAPORI DARAJA LA II- (NAFASI

Secrets of Successful Forex Traders

You may wonder what successful Forex traders have done to make it in this business. I researched into what they consider relevant revealed that;  One needs to have a trading strategy. This means that before you even being on forex trading, plan on what action you need to factor into account. This will help you devise an entry and exit strategy and avoid losses.  Be up to par with financial news and closely follow forex trade experts’ advice and analysis. They have been in the industry long enough to understand the market better than you.  It may be overwhelming to focus your trades on all currencies. It is wise to select one or two currencies that you can follow through and analyze. Euros and US dollars are the best to being with.  Read widely about Forex trading, invest you time into following and analyzing charts and as a matter of fact Forex trading needs training and continuous development 

Traits of Successful Forex Traders

For one to be a successful Forex trader just like being an entrepreneur, there are certain attributes one should possess. They can be inherent or learned. In cognition of the dynamic economic situation currently being experienced globally, it should be expected one will have to experience handles here and there. As have been observed these are the traits of successful Forex traders ;  Persistent Positive  Self-motivated  Risk takers  Analytical Results-oriented 

Business Plan Contents

A detailed business plan may have 10 sectors. It is, of course, preceded by a cover sheet which should present identification information, such as the business name, the street and postal address and the contact phone numbers.Also the readers should know immediately who the principal operators of the business venture are 1.       Executive Summary   2.       Business Descriptions  3.       Marketing Segment 4.       Competitive Analysis 5.       Marketing Strategy 6.       Research design and development segment 7.       Manufacturing or operations segment 8.       Management Segment 9.       Critical Risks Segment 10.   Financial Segment 11.   Milestone Schedule Segment 12.   Appendix and/or Bibli ography

Writing your business plan summary

Executive Summary    An executive summary is the synopsis of the proposed enterprise. It may capture the investor s' interest s or deprive them of any incentive to read further. Thus, the executive summary is very useful to the users of the business plan who could be potential funders or partner entrepreneurs in the business.Many readers of business plans such as bankers, venture capitalists and investors in general like to see a summary of the plan that features highlights of the entire business plan. Such a summary provides a brief overview of the main contents of the plan and helps put all the main information into perspective. The summary should be no longer than two pages.It should be written after the entire business plan has been completed so that it can effectively capture the whole essence of the business venture in brief. The summary should present the quality of the entire report by conveying a sense of plausibility, credibility and integrity. In shor

Benefits of a business plan to the Entrepreneur

  The business plan forces the entrepreneur to look at the whole business. It also helps him or her to maintain a "proactive" attitude. The time, efforts, research and discipline needed to put together a formal business plan force the entrepreneur to view the venture critically and objectively.   The competitive, economic and financial analyses included in the business plan subject the entrepreneur to close scrutiny for his or her assumptions about the venture'success. The business plan can help the owner manager crystallise and make his ideas focused, hence guiding the venture towards success. Since all aspects of the business venture must be addressed in the plan, the entrepreneur develops and examines the operating strategies and the expected results for the outside evaluators. Thus, the business plan may attract partners and qualified employees as well. A business plan can help clarify and communicate the entrepre